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Healthy Sazon 305

Pescatarian Menu

Pescatarian Menu

Regular price $80.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $80.00 USD
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Week Lunch Dinner


Filet de pescado blanco en salsa de trufa, puré de plátano y ensalada fresca con pepino y zanahoria rallada.

White fish fillet in truffle sauce, mashed plantain, and fresh salad with cucumber and carrot.




Camarones, arroz basmati y guisantes con maíz.

Shrimp, basmati rice and peas with corn.



Pastel de plátano relleno con atún, y ensalada fresca.

Tuna sweet plantain lasagna with fresh salad.



Bowl de mahi mahi (arroz integral, tomate cherry, arúgula, almendras tostadas, plátano y queso feta).

Mahi mahi bowl with brown rice, cherry tomato, arugula, toasted almonds, plantain and feta cheese.



Pasta Alfredo con salmón, y ensalada fresca.

Pasta Alfredo with salmon, and fresh salad.