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Healthy Sazon 305

Pescatarian Menu

Pescatarian Menu

Regular price $80.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $80.00 USD
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Week Lunch Dinner


Camarones a la crema con hongos, papas al horno y espárragos con tomate cherry.

Creamy shrimp with mushrooms, baked potatoes and asparagus with cherry tomato.




Mojito, arroz basmati y ensalada de rueda (lechugas, remolacha y zanahoria).

Mojito, basmati rice and salad (lettuce, beet and carrot).




Pasticho de atún, y ensalada fresca.

Tuna lasagna with fresh salad.




Salmón, ensalada de papa y vainitas.

Salmon, potato salad and green beans.




Hamburguesa de pescado (pan integral, arúgula, tomate, cebolla morada, hongos salteados, queso de cabra y mostaza miel por separado).

Fish Burger (whole wheat bun, arugula, tomato, red onion, sautéed mushrooms, goat cheese and honey mustard on the side).